Health Measures Unique to Pets Living in High-rise Condominiums

Tsukishima, Tokyo, where our hospital (Anima Animal Hospital) is located, is known as a bay area, lined with high-rise condominiums. In this interview, we will discuss the pet situation in the area where high-rise condominiums stand side by side, which is why we are often asked for advice on pet care.

Q1: As you consult with many dogs and cats every day, is there anything that has been bothering you recently?

It has been 10 years since I started my practice in Tsukishima,Tokyo. In the meantime, many high-rise condominiums continue to be built in this area. One of my concerns is the increase in the number of dogs and cats living in airtight condominiums where they can’t hear a sound. In the past, there used to be dogs kept tied outside in the yard and cats sunbathing on the porch, but we don’t see them anymore. On the upper floors of  condominium, there are no birds perching on the balcony, and not even a sound can be heard. Dogs and cats are animals that originally enjoy hunting, but when they have no one to play with (including their owners), they spend a whole day with nothing. As a result, it seems that more and more dogs and cats have become obese, or are frightened by the sound of typhoons or fireworks because they are not used to loud noises on a regular basis.

Q2. What should we pay attention to when keeping a dog or cat in a high-rise condominiums ?

First of all, you should create attractions in the house. For example, you can show environmental images with sound on TV. I think it’s okay to have birds flying around, or even images showing beautiful scenery. You could play a leisurely moving sport such as golf and classical music. There are DVDs available that show catnip moving on a screen and other things to pique the cat’s interest. A cat tower is a good idea, and cardboard boxes make great toys. As a countermeasure against obesity, it would be a good idea to use educational toys, such as toys that can be rolled around using their wits to make food come out, and to encourage the animal to eat food over time. If that doesn’t work, I would suggest consulting a veterinarian. Some may require the administration of antidepressants, but we want to keep them as comfortable and medication-free as possible.

Various dog educational toys

not for sale !


We, ANIMA ANIMAL HOSIPATAL, located in the center of Tsukishima-Tokyo(near Ginza), aim to be the friendliest clinic for foreigners and their family.

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