Four useful English Bow-word Phrases Containing the word “DOG”.

In the elevator of a high-rise apartment building, a foreign dog owner got on with his dog.Without thinking, I said, “I like dog !” which means “I like dog meat.It would be a little awkward.This time, I would like to introduce four one-phrases using DOG to avoid such mistakes.I wrote this blog hoping that this idiom will help me become friends with many foreign pet owners.

the dog days

In Japan, there is a day called the Dog Day to pray for safe delivery, but in English it means “midsummer” and “a time of slump in business or stock market”. What you can use in conversation with foreign dog owners during a walk is “It’s the dog days of summer today, isn’t it? In other words, you can use “It’s a very hot day today, isn’t it? 

three dog night

I want to translate it as “three dog night”, but it actually means “a very cold night”. Imagine that. If three dogs got into your futon, you’d be able to sleep warmly, right? It means that it’s that cold. If you say “It’s a three dog night” in English when you’re out walking in the middle of winter, it means “It’s a really cold night.”

dog’s age

The literal translation would be “the age of a dog,” but it means “a long time” or “a long time ago.” It’s an idiom that you can’t use unless you know it, but it’s a useful phrase if you can use it. When you say “It’s been a dog’s age,” it means “It’s been a long time.” It’s a phrase you can use with friends you haven’t seen recently or walking buddies.

dog my cats

Finally, dogs and cats make an appearance. It is used to mean “I’m shocked!” or “Oh my goodness!” If someone says “My dog ​​has a diarrhea,” you can reply “Dog my cats !”.

These are the four idioms I have listed above. These are phrases I myself use when talking to foreign pet owners in the examination room. I hope that readers of this blog will also make use of them.

These are the four idioms I have listed above. These are phrases I myself use when talking to foreign pet owners in the examination room. I hope that readers of this blog will also make use of them.


Our clinic is located in Tsukishima, Tokyo, near Ginza and surrounded by high-rise apartment buildings, and we aim to be a foreigner-friendly veterinary hospital. We will continue to make various efforts in the future so that we can become a place where foreign pet owners can feel free to consult us about any small matter.

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